Camgian Microsystems Corporation announced today receipt of a $3 million contract award from the US Department of Defense (DOD) as part of their Rapid Innovation Fund (RIF) program. The award, the company’s second RIF program award, will fund advancements to Camgian’s low-power, networked sensor technologies and support integration with the Army’s Standard Ground Station (SGS) and Cerberus system. Through this contract, Camgian will collaborate with SRI International and SENTEL Corporation to further advance the technology.
“We are grateful for DOD’s support and look forward to delivering a highly-innovative sensor platform that will enhance the situational awareness of our service men and women in combat,” said Dr. Gary Butler, chairman and CEO of Camgian.
The RIF program is designed to accelerate innovative technologies, primarily from small businesses, into military systems that resolve DOD operational challenges. The program goals support DOD’s emphasis on rapid, responsive acquisition and the engagement of small, innovative businesses in solving defense needs. The Defense Authorization Act established the program in 2011, appropriating $200 million for this year. More than 2,200 white papers were submitted in response to the request for proposals. From those white papers, only 86 proposed projects were funded, including Camgian’s project.
About Camgian
Named by Inc. magazine as one of America’s fastest growing private companies, Camgian Microsystems is a leading provider of advanced sensing technologies and solutions to the government and industrial sectors. Camgian’s latest innovation, its Quantus™ machine-to-machine (M2M) sensor fusion engine, supports the deployment of intelligent mobile sensing solutions that enable organizations to more effectively manage remote industrial assets and improve operational efficiency.
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